Hydraulic and river/coastal morphodynamic studies in Pescara, Italy

DRR - Disaster Risk Reduction

BETA Studio > DRR - Disaster Risk Reduction > Hydraulic and river/coastal morphodynamic studies in Pescara, Italy
BETA Studio > DRR - Disaster Risk Reduction > Hydraulic and river/coastal morphodynamic studies in Pescara, Italy

Hydraulic and river/coastal morphodynamic studies in Pescara, Italy

Year: 2016 - 2017
Client: Comune di Pescara
Country: ITALY
Title: Hydraulic and river/coastal
morphodynamic studies in support
of the Pescara harbour plan
Service: Study
Funds: Public Funds

AfDB: Banca Africana di Sviluppo; BID: Banca Interamericana di Sviluppo; BM: Banca Mondiale; UE: Unione Europea

Pescara is one of the biggest coastal cities in Italy, at particular risk from flooding given its population density, coastal nature, high proportion of unplanned settlements, and environmental degradation. The urban drainage for storm water is inadequate. The Italian government is currently financing transformative flood control investments in Pescara City’ Pescara River, a densely populated and environmentally degraded river catchment where the city’s most severe flooding takes place and puts residents and critical infrastructure assets at risk. In addition to these flood management investments, the program works with local river basin authorities, municipal government and central government to introduce flood risk evaluations, scenario planning, SuDS. BETA has been appointed to prepare the flood and urban drainage control study for the city of Pescara. The objective of the project is to quantify flood risks from all sources of flooding (rivers, channels, storm water network, coastal flooding).

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