
BETA Studio > News > Drainage Master Plan development for Addis Ababa City
BETA Studio > News > Drainage Master Plan development for Addis Ababa City

Drainage Master Plan development for Addis Ababa City

AfDB: Banca Africana di Sviluppo; BID: Banca Interamericana di Sviluppo; BM: Banca Mondiale; UE: Unione Europea

BETA Studio has been shortlisted with Z&E by the “Addis Ababa City Roads Authority (AACRA)”, through World Bank funds, in order to undertake the development of the urban drainage Master Plan for Addis Ababa City. Due to the expansion and urbanization of the city coupled with high population growth, the existing storm water drainage system is utterly inadequate and the system is causing frequent flood of the city. The Master Plan has the aim of protecting infrastructure, preventing economic losses, improving public health and the local environment in Addis Ababa city

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