
BETA Studio > News > Drainage Master Plan for the city of El Alto
BETA Studio > News > Drainage Master Plan for the city of El Alto

Drainage Master Plan for the city of El Alto

Year: 2014 - 2016
Client: Gobierno Autonomo Municipal de El Alto
Country: BOLIVIA
Title: Update of the drainage Master Plan for the city of El Alto (Bolivia)
Service: Master Plan
Detailed Design
Funds: Inter-Amercian Development Bank

AfDB: Banca Africana di Sviluppo; BID: Banca Interamericana di Sviluppo; BM: Banca Mondiale; UE: Unione Europea

The drafting of the Storm Drainage Master Plan shall define the best development and expansion strategy for the sewerage service and sanitation in terms of the drainage area and safe and sustainable comprehensive management of storm water in the city of El Alto (with La Paz cities of 1.5 million of inhabitants in an area of 1,986 km²) and in the new expansion areas (today rural areas). Rainwater is a natural resource that must be used in a responsible way, so as to maximise its social benefits, with due regard for the environment.

The Master Plan purposes are following:

  • Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the current situation of the storm drainage area in the Municipality, and of the existing facilities related to the management of storm water in the Municipality of El Alto;
  • Identification of future expansion areas and development of the urban area of El Alto, as well as projects and works required for this development;
  • Identification of measures and actions required to improve and strengthen the administrative, operational and financial management of the authorities in charge of the sewerage network in the city of El Alto, as well as the identification of actions that foster institutional cooperation and integration;

Development of financing strategy, assessment of the short, medium and long term investment capacity of the authorities in charge of the sewerage network through own resources, assessment of national or international financing requirements to improve and broaden the drainage area.

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