
BETA Studio > News > Water supply system supplying the irrigation network
BETA Studio > News > Water supply system supplying the irrigation network

Water supply system supplying the irrigation network

Year: 2017 - 2018
Client: Consorzio di Bonifica Adige-Euganeo
Country: ITALY
Title: Realization of an irrigation pipeline
next to the Fratta river (Padova province)
Environmental and landscape aspects
Service: Study
Funds: Public Funds

AfDB: Banca Africana di Sviluppo; BID: Banca Interamericana di Sviluppo; BM: Banca Mondiale; UE: Unione Europea

The project concerns  the upgrading  of the  water supply system supplying the irrigation network through water withdrawals from the river Fratta (Veneto Region, Italy). The water main is to be replaced  with a large diameter pipeline running parallel to the river, able to convey the entire irrigation flow.

The watercourse, in fact, is highly polluted due to the presence of perfluoro alkyl substances (PFAS), a pollutant that has also affected groundwater and is compromising the withdrawals for irrigation use by the Land Reclamation Authority.

The pipeline, potentially under pressure, will have a length of about 19 km, a diameter between 1800 and 1000 mm and will allow the water withdrawal and provision of about 2000 l/s, thus contributing  to improve the quality of the irrigation water of a large portion of territory between the provinces of Verona and Padua, including an irrigated area of approximately 8000 ha. The services carried out by BETA Studio concerned the Environmental Impact Study and the procedure to assess the impact of the work  on the landscape.

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