
BETA Studio > News > Pescara city flood protection and storm water drainage project (Abruzzo, Italy)
BETA Studio > News > Pescara city flood protection and storm water drainage project (Abruzzo, Italy)

Pescara city flood protection and storm water drainage project (Abruzzo, Italy)

Year: 2015 - 2018
Client: Regione Abruzzo
Country: Flood retention basin for
the Pescara river (Abruzzo region)
Detailed design
Service: Feasibility Study
Detailed Design
Funds: Public Funds

AfDB: Banca Africana di Sviluppo; BID: Banca Interamericana di Sviluppo; BM: Banca Mondiale; UE: Unione Europea

In the last century the Aterno-Pescara River basin (3,200 km² with 500,000 people exposed to flooding) has been intensely urbanised causing the increase of flood risk (including inadequate urban drainage) and water quality problems. Following the results of the Master Plan for flood management and rational use of the water resources as required by the EU Floods Directive and the EU Water framework Directive, the objective of the project was to model and design the structural measures for the flood risk reduction of Pescara city. The structural measures consist of designing 5 huge flood retention basin (5 Mm³) (with the use of SuDS approach) including the connected urban drainage systems and storm water networks. The drainage networks consist of primary, secondary and tertiary channels. The activities have included the landscape designs of the drainage reserves to enhance the general aesthetics

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